Pension Application

My dear sailors, friends ,

Good morning!

It has been my burden for a long time that most of our sailors do not save money for their future (after the retirement from sailing). Neither the employer nor the Government has any pension plan for the retired sailors. Our contribution to the government and to the commerce and economy of the nation is great. Though our earnings are bigger as people working on the shore often think, it is not so uniformly throughout the year and that too is not without our toil and tears. We are known worldwide as hardworking and honest: yet we have no great provision for our future needs.

It is, therefore, decided that we may approach the Government of Tamilnadu to setup a Welfare Board exclusively for the sailing community in Tamilnadu so that a monthly pension may be made possible to benefit the sailors and their families. In this connection, we would like to collect applications from the sailors and submit them to the government . An application format is attached with this. Please fill up and forward to us.

Thanking you

Yours in the service of the seafarers,

Dr.A.Babu Mailon,
Indian Seafarers’ Welfare Organization,
Port Welfare Committee